Julius goes towards the hospital room where Gerry is, and when he's about to enter the room, the nurse stops him. "Only kin's allowed in here." Gerry responds with "Alice. Are you blind? Can't you see the family resemblance? He's my brother." When Julius approaches the bed, the only thing he can muster to say is "I should have been there with you. You can't be hurt like this. You're Superman." The audience is able to see the dramatic change that has been made in the friendship between Gerry and Julius. Throughout the second half of the movie, once Gerry and Julius gave their friendship a chance, Julius always called Gerry Superman. Throughout the semester, we discussed comic heroes that had impacts on specific time periods (lecture). Superman was one of the comic heroes that we discussed. After a few moments of silence, Gerry tells Julius that "I was afraid of you Julius. I only saw what I was afraid of. And now I know that I was only hating my brother." This brings up one of the documents that I discussed in an earlier blog. In the Major Problems document "Journalist Tom Wolfe Describes the New Politics of Confrontation, 1970" Wolfe describes that when black people first began using the confrontation tactic, they brought fear into the face of the white man (Major Problems document "Journalist Tom Wolfe Describes the New Politics of Confrontation, 1970").
In the final part of the film, the audience watches as the Titans win the championship game and are Virginia State Champions. "The Titans danced their way into history." Sheryl, Coach Yoast's daughter, narrates that ten years later, Gerry died in a car accident. In the closing remark of the movie, Sheryl states "People say that it can't work, black and white. Well here we make it work every day. We have out disagreements, of course, but before we reach for hate, always we remember the titans." At Gerry's funeral, the players hum "Hey, hey, hey, goodbye." The film ends showing Coach Boone and Coach Yoast standing together at the funeral, not allowing anything to get between them and their players of ten years ago.